- February 25 – Ash Wednesday and the beginning of Great Lent – Holy Mass and Distribution of Ashes at 7pm.
- Stations of the Cross every Sunday during the Lent after 9am Holy Mass.
- March 08 – Solemnity of the Institution of the PNCC
- March 15 – St. Patrick’s/St. Joseph’s Day Fundraiser Dinner at 3pm in the St. Francis Church Hall (downstairs) featuring: Home-made Irish, Italian, and Polish favorites! Plus lots of raffles and great company!
- March 29 – Passion Sunday
- April 5 – Palm Sunday – Blessing and distribution of Palms.
- April 7 – Holy Tuesday – Clergy Conference and Chrism Holy Mass at St. Stanislaus Cathedral in Scranton, Pennsylvania.
- April 9 – Holy Thursday: Institution of the Holy Eucharist and the Holy Priesthood — Holy Mass at 7pm. We commemorate the Last Supper where Jesus instituted the Holy Eucharist and the Holy Priesthood. At the conclusion of Holy Mass the Holy Eucharist is removed to the Altar of Repose, symbolizing Christ’s night in prison before His trial and crucifixion.
- April 10 – Good Friday Liturgy of the Presanctified and the Opening of the Tomb at 7pm.
- April 11 – Holy Saturday – Easter Basket Blessings at 1pm.
- April 12 – Solemnity of the Resurrection – Easter Sunday – Holy Mass and procession at 8am.