Reflection for 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time – C

Whistler was a famous artist known to many for his painting of a calm old lady in a rocking chair, entitled: ”Whistler’s Mother”. One day a friend asked Whistler’s help in hanging a beautiful picture. After several minutes of thought the artist declared: “Man, you are beginning at the wrong end. You can’t make that painting fit the room. You will have to make the room fit the Painting.”

That is what we must do about today’s Gospel. Jesus paints a new and beautiful picture of what His true followers must be like. He gives us four of the Beatitudes, the marks or signs of a truly holy and happy person. Jesus tells us what we must do to be worthy of the promise: “Your reward is great in Heaven.” The reward is great in this world too; there is big satisfaction and peace in knowing what we must do to please God.

God’s picture is too great for the heart and mind of ordinary man or woman. We need help to set up this way of living. We cannot do it alone. It is impossible to accept poverty and hunger and grief and hatred and criticism for the sake of Christ without Jesus’ help. We need help and be sure, Christ will provide it.

This picture of true happiness is so different from the picture of happiness painted by the world, by our friends, our television, magazines, even by our education and social customs. Many who have no faith in Jesus admit that our religion and Jesus’ ideas are wonderful, however not realistic, impossible.

Is it possible to live the Beatitudes? Yes, if the Master helps us make the wall of our heart larger, more generous, to measure up the size of the picture Christ paints of what He wants us to be.

Jesus never asks the impossible. The difficult, yes, but never anything beyond our strength. And if Jesus asks some more of us because we are His followers, He will provide extra strength to each of us. But we have to ask for that strength, and we do during our public worship. Watch the words: “Make us grow in love,” grow more in the desire to please God by following the directions His Divine Son gives us today, and every day.

Recall and repeat the words from our first reading: “Blessed, is the man or woman who trust in the Lord, whose hope is in the Lord.” With one voice and one heart we will pray the words our Savior taught us: “Thy will be done.” What is the will of the Father? It is that we live the words of His Son, especially what we heard in today’s Gospel.

With Jesus’ help, so generously given in this Holy Sacrifice, we can make our hearts larger, we can live the Beatitudes. May Jesus help us to be poor in spirit, to accept hunger and sorrow, criticism and insults for His sake. Amen.