
Reflection for 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time – C

When Jesus sent out the seventy-two disciples, he said to them:

The harvest is abundant but the laborers are few; so ask the master of the harvest to send out laborers for his harvest. Go on your way; behold, I am sending you like lambs among wolves. Carry no money bag, no sack, no sandals; and greet no one along the way. Into whatever house you enter, first say, ‘Peace to this household.’ If a peaceful person lives there, your peace will rest on him; but if not, it will return to you.

Jesus said in today’s Gospel that their first words on entering a house were to be “Peace on this house.” They were to be ambassadors of peace and goodwill.

Peace is the highest value for all people in the world. Everybody is talking about peace: politicians, writers, and heads of different organizations. Many times priests in their churches preach about peace during homilies. The word Peace is on the mouth of all people, who want well to our world, our families and communities. Peace implies openness, friendship, tolerance, goodwill, hospitality. It disposes us to reach out to others. It helps to break down barriers between one another. Without peace nothing is possible.

Shortly before Communion the priest says to us, “The peace of the Lord be with you always.” What a wonderful gift is being offered to us – the peace of Christ, a peace which the world cannot give. Then he invites us to “offer each other a sign of peace.” Next we share Christ peace to others by shaking hands.

We come to Mass to receive a blessing from the Lord. If we took nothing else away with us but peace, our time would be still well spent. We must be prepared to give back something of what we have received.

The end of the Mass is not like the end of a football game or movie where we simply get up and leave. At the end of Mass we are sent out. Th priest is sending us with Jesus’ peace. We would l hear: Go in the peace of Christ…. Go and give the peace of Christ to others, to your family, wife, children, maybe to your neighbors, people at your workplace. We are then sent out as ambassadors of that peace to others.

If we wish to be effective messengers of peace three things are necessary: First, we have to have peace within ourselves; Secondly, we have to be willing to share that peace with others; and thirdly, the other person has to be willing to receive it from us.

The harvest is great. There are many opportunities for sharing peace and for making peace. We may not always succeed, because it takes at least two to make peace. We have to accept that our peace will not always be accepted. It may come back to us like the echo of our own voice. But at least we ought to try. In a world torn apart by competition, anger and hatred, we have a challenging vocation – to be living signs of love that can bridge divisions and heal wounds.

Let us pray:

Lord, make me an instrument of your peace.
Where there is hatred, let me sow love.
Where there is injury, pardon.
Where there is doubt, faith.
Where there is darkness, light.
Where there is sadness, joy.

Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled, as to console, to be understood as to understand, to be loved as to love. For it is in giving that we receive, it is in pardoning that we are pardoned, it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.


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Reflection for 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time – C

My dear sisters and brothers we are called to serve God by our baptism. Many of Christians were baptized as infants and they don’t remember their baptism. Others were baptized as children, old enough to remember their baptism but perhaps not old enough really to make a choice! And some people became Christians as adults. All of us, me and you, who were baptized are called to fallow Jesus and serve God and people every day of our life. After our baptism God is calling us to follow Him; the Lord Jesus invites us to be with Him and Holy Spirit gives us strength to walk with the Lord.

Many times, we do not recognize that God calling us. Sometimes we dislike that the Lord is calling us. Like those in today’s Gospel from Saint Luke, we sometimes find different reasons not to go together with our Lord when we are invited. In today’s Gospel one the men which was calling by Jesus said- “Lord, let me go first and bury my father.” And another said, “I will follow you, Lord, but first let me say farewell to my family at home.” Sometimes we reject this invitation. Many times we are choosing our own way.

Our Lord tells us stories like those in today’s Gospel because He knows our weaknesses even better than we do. We are given the witness of the Old Testament, the Hebrew Scriptures, Saints, because we always need encouragement. Saint Paul is always reminding us how to follow God.

My dear brothers and sisters,

After our Baptism and confirmation we are called to serve God and one another through love. We are invited to continue to trust in the Lord, no matter how many times we fail. We are invited to walk with the Lord, no matter how many times we have turned down His invitation. We are invited to renew our good intentions, no matter how many times we have had good intentions and have done nothing.

My dear Brothers and sisters,

Jesus Christ came into our world to save us, bring us salvation, open the gate for everyone to heaven, not to condemn us. Jesus Christ calls us to believe in Him and gives us the power of the Holy Spirit in our weakness, gives us grace and power for spiritually growing in our daily life and being true disciples. May the power of the Holy Spirit and the love of our Lord Jesus draw us to the Father and give us strength this day to take one small step toward the Lord. Come, Lord Jesus Christ and help us in our weakness.

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Reflection for 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time – C

Jesus in today’s Gospel asked his disciples “Who do the crowds say that I am?” They said: “John the Baptist, Elijah, one of the prophets.” Then He asked the next question only they could answer: “But who do you say that I am?” And again Peter, who was never without words, whether the right ones or not, gave the bonus answer for all of them: “THE MESSIAH OF GOD.” Peter gave the right answer.

My dear bothers and sisters,

Jesus is asking us today, and every one who may believe in Jesus “Who do you say that I am?”

Some people today give answers that fall short of the whole truth about Jesus. For some, Jesus is just a teacher with beautiful ideas not popular in today’s society. Perhaps many more do not know how to answer, or perhaps try to ignore the question, hoping that it will go away.

Each person will have different way of answer. Yet there is something basic to all of us who recognize Jesus as the Messiah as our God. The more we acknowledge Him as the Messiah, as our Redeemer, the more we must deny ourselves and pick up our cross and follow Jesus.

We know that to follow Jesus and His teaching is not easy, not popular in our society, in our families. Many times we struggle in our families to put Jesus FIRST, then us, and after that the remainder of society.

Today as we celebrate Father’s Day, let us think what our heavenly Father would like us to do. Let us think what we as His children should do to please Him. It is about recognizing Jesus for who He really is.

Today we acknowledge and recognize our earthly fathers. With their wife they are our first teacher of faith and life. Today we thank them in various ways for the dedication to our families. And again, we give them material gifts, sent them cards, which is a beautiful way to express our gratitude toward them. As the family of St. Francis parish let us give them one more thing, a prayer. Now let us please kneel down and pray with me for our fathers living and deceased:

God, you are the Father of all creation. You promised the people of Israel long life and prosperity if they would follow Your commandments. One of those commands was “honor your father and your mother.” Help us to live this commandment each day of our life.

May we honor our fathers through their life. May we remember them with gratitude for the things they has given to us, and may Your blessings be poured out upon them.

We also ask a special blessing upon our fathers and grandfathers who have gone before us. We cherish their memory and pray that they are secure in heaven with you.

Heavenly Father, source of all wisdom, give strength and hope to all who are fathers today. Grant them wisdom, courage, mercy, and the grace they need to live out this most holy calling. Give them joy and peace in You. We ask all this in Christ’s name. Amen.

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June is Sacred Vocations Month

Each year during the month of June, the PNCC observes Sacred Vocations month. During this month, the Church reminds all of her faithful of the urgent need to pray for the gift of vocations to the Holy Orders. The Church asks all of us to offer special prayers to bless our Church with new vocations.

The purpose of this month of Sacred Vocations is to petition God, the Author of every vocation, to bless our Church with new priests and deacons who are blessed with strong faith, broad vision and solid academic background. PLEASE, PRAY FOR AN INCREASE VOCATIONS TO THE HOLY PRIESTHOOD of the Polish National Catholic Church.

Those interested should contact Fr. Andrew.

June is also the month when we are asked to remember those who labor in God’s field via our support for the Clergy Pension Fund. The letter below is from Bishop Anthony Kopka who is the Chairman of the Clergy Pension Fund of the PNCC.

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Reflection for 11th Sunday on Ordinary Time – C

My sisters and brothers in Christ,

As we celebrate today’s Eucharist, we are invited to reflect on our own faith.

Today’s Holy Scriptures tell us that, our task is to believe and repent. When we believe, God transforms us. God is the one who forgives sins and change our lives. We can be saved, when we open ourselves to the justice and mercy of God.

The first reading, from the Second Book of Samuel, tells us the story of King David, who is one of the great people of faith in the Hebrew Scriptures. He is also an incredible sinner. Yet he always trusts in God’s mercy and forgiveness and truly repents of his sins.

King David is a full human being, with lots of desires and incredible energy to serve the Lord. His love for God does not stop him from sinning but when he recognizes that he has sinned, he repents with all his heart. So, King David is a wonderful example for all of us. He shows us how to repent and change his life and seek God as his highest good.

The Gospel has the same lesson. The Gospel remind us of something very important. God is the one who forgives sins. Jesus said in today’s Gospel to the woman,” Your sins are forgiven”. She was sinner but she wasn’t ashamed to repent in front of everyone. She is another incredible example to all of us of how to live the mystery of our faith.

We can take the words of the Letter to the Galatians as a model:

I live by faith in the Son of God who has loved me and given himself up for me. The more I recognize that I am loved, the more I can live from that love with complete trust and confidence in the Lord.

My Dear Brothers and Sisters, in our daily life we make mistakes and we sin, but we have to trust completely in the Lord Jesus Christ. Our task is to believe. When we believe, God transforms us. God saves us. God loves us. God invites us to eternal life. Let us live and walk in the way of the Lord.

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Reflection for Fifth Sunday of Easter – C

Today we celebrate the fifth Sunday of Easter. In the second reading John tells us about his vision of a new heaven and a new earth. He describes the New Jerusalem and presents us with a wonderful picture of what heaven will be like. In the New Jerusalem God lives with his people and he is fully present to them. The end of his reading he said: The one sitting on the throne spoke: Now I am making all things new.

My dear brothers and sisters,

This newness is in a real sense, which is already upon us. The simple fact of Jesus’ resurrection makes the whole world new. After Jesus’ resurrection everything has a much deeper sense for all those who follow Christ.

After our Baptism we live a new life in Christ. Through our Baptism we have become part of his work of the salvation in the world. There is not just a new heaven and a new earth; there are also new people—the Church. We are the leaven for the world, the salt of the earth, the new chosen people.

In our Gospel reading Jesus instructs the eleven, and also us, how to be his disciples. He says: Love one another just as I have loved you. By the love you have for one another everyone will know that you are my disciples. So Jesus clearly wants us to be known as his disciples by the world. It is in this way that his salvation will become known and that everyone will eventually come to him.

When I go to different places and I wear a clerical collar people know who I am, that I’m the priest. They know, therefore, what I stand for. In a very real sense I represent Christ. But it shouldn’t be just the priest, should it? It should be all of us; for we are all ambassadors for Christ.

If we are to be faithful to Christ we can’t be secret followers, we have to walk in the light, we have to openly give witness to Jesus. We must allow people to know what we are and who we stand for. And we must live lives that will not discredit our faith, in Christ. If we are to be effective witnesses to Christ in the world then we have to have Christ at the very forefront of our minds. We need to show Christ in everything we do. We must be aware of and act on his loving presence at all times of the day.

With this, people will come to know Jesus Christ.

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Easter Sunday – 2010

Christ has risen! Alleluia!

The word, “alleluia”, signifies “give praise to God”. Blessed are those who follow him and praise him.

No other event has been recorded in the history of the world comparable to the one that took place on that Sunday morning when the women discovered the empty tomb of Our Lord. Yet, the glorious Resurrection of Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, can only be recognized as such through faith.

With the Resurrection of Our Lord, a new age dawned in the salvation history of humanity, a new chapter was written in the story of the love that God has for us.

My dear brothers and sisters

We Christians should understand that the Resurrection of Christ is not only a historical happening. Almost two thousand years have passed since this most important of all events in the life of Christians occurred. As followers of Christ, we should see in the Resurrection the mystery of the redemption of humanity and our own personal redemption. Jesus Christ lives today, and every day, with us. His Resurrection changed the history of humanity, the meaning of faith and religion for the People of God.

The Resurrection of Christ was not only the confirmation of all that he said and taught during his earthly life, it was also the confirmation of his divinity, of his divine authority, of his absolute power over life and death. He had promised that he would rise from the dead. And he kept his promise.

On a personal level, today, we Christians have a great deal to celebrate.

The triumphant Resurrection of Our Lord shows us two aspects of the Paschal Mystery that are fundamental for our personal life. In the Easter Proclamation we heard that through his Resurrection, the Lord has saved us from the darkness of sin and has given us an opportunity to share completely in the love of God, in the grace of the Holy Spirit. We joyfully celebrate the Resurrection of Our Lord.

Through this great event, Our Lord calls on us to transform our lives, to keep trying to do better, to persevere in our attempts to be faithful to be as faithful to God as God is to us.

Christ has risen! Alleluia!!

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Reflection for Holy Thursday

“Take this all of you, and eat it: this is my Body … Take this all of you, and drink: this is the cup of my Blood.”

Tonight, the Word of God comes to us and asks us to think about the mystery that took place for the first time in the upper room before the eyes of the disciples. That mystery is renewed on the altar today in the same way – for Jesus comes by the power of the Holy Spirit to accomplish the act of consecration by the person of His priest.

Jesus, “having loved His own who were in the world, … loved them to the end,” says St. John; “on the night when He was betrayed,” adds St. Paul.

Consider the contrast: Jesus “loved them to the end“; humanity responds with betrayal, denial, abandonment.

The Eucharist is the Lord’s answer to the way we all turn away. He will not let us forget what He has done for us, how much He loves us. He makes His presence real and living in the Holy Mass until the end of time. It is in this context that the priestly ministry within the Church must be seen. And for this reason today is regarded as the anniversary of the institution of the priesthood.

In the strongest sense of the term, there is only one Priest – Jesus Christ. He is the One who came to reconcile us with the Father, – who is the acceptable sacrifice, – who saves us from our sins. He is forever present in the people He gathers and makes holy, particularly through the sacraments. And in the Eucharist He is the priestly celebrant by the means of the Spirit. Jesus is the answer to the human frailty of His priests. For He is the true and high priest. If this was not true our ritual would be empty of meaning and therefore powerless. It would be dependant on man, something that is impossible. Whoever the human priest, whether a Peter or a Judas, it is Christ who baptizes, grants forgiveness of sins, and ordains some to be priests among His “priestly people”.

Indeed all the baptized share – in their different ways – the priesthood of Christ by being part of His Body – the Church. And in that sense share a common ordination to be with Him Sanctifier of the World – bringers of new life and light into the spiritless and dark places of creation.

The ordained priest accepts the role of Christ as Sanctifier of the Church, and makes Jesus truly present in the bread and wine so that Jesus will be known as always living within and among His people. Through the priest Jesus comes to us, feeds us, heals us, strengthens us, unites us, and shepherds us. For priests to be what they ought is a matter of vital importance for the Church. Priests and the bishops need the prayers of the faithful.

Let us pray on this night for our common priesthood and for those who have been granted the particular ministry of the presbyterate.
Let us have some of Peter’s spontaneous generosity.
Let us have John’s love and closeness.
Let us ask the Lord for courage to participate and share in His Passion.
Let us pray that we do not abandon hope like Judas.
Let us pray that Jesus’ living presence among us give us the strength to do what is right, never forgetting His love.

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Holy Week at St. Francis, East Meadow, NY

PALM SUNDAY – Procession and Holy Mass at 9am

Palm Sunday marks the beginning of “Holy Week.” On this day we commemorate the last triumph of Our Lord Jesus Christ on earth. On this day we celebrate the triumphant entry of our Lord into Jerusalem; when the multitudes, going before and following after Him, cut off branches from the trees and strewed them in His way, shouting, “Hosanna, to the Son of David. Blessed is He that comes in the name of the Lord.” This Palm Sunday triumph of our Lord only led to His death. But we know that this death was not a failure. It was through His passion and death that He conquered the world and entered into His Kingdom. So the faithful join in this triumphant celebration in an act of homage and gratitude to Christ our King!

HOLY TUESDAY – Holy Mass of Chrism, St. Stanislaus Bishop & Martyr Cathedral in Scranton, PA

HOLY WEDNESDAY – fast and abstinence

PASCHAL TRIDUUM – all days of fast and abstinence

For Christians the Paschal Triduum (“Three Days”) is the focal point of the entire year. During these days, covering the period from the evening of Holy Thursday through the evening of Easter Sunday, we celebrate our faith in the paschal mystery of Christ with the greatest fervor and intensity. In the liturgy we commemorate the passion, death and resurrect ion of Christ as the means of our salvation. Through our baptism, we share in the death of Christ and so hope to share in his resurrection. The liturgy of the Paschal Triduum then invites us to reflect on where we are in our own Paschal journey in Christ.


The name Maundy comes from the Latin word which means ‘command.’ It refers to the new command Jesus gave his disciples on the Thursday before he was crucified. On that night, long ago, he served the “Last Supper” of bread and wine, washed his disciples’ feet and said, “A new command I give you; Love one another.” — John 13:34.

Church bells fall silent on this day and are not heard again until Easter morning. Instead of tinkling altar bells, wooden clappers are used during divine services. The altar will be stripped at the end of the service to symbolize Christ being stripped of his power. The holy sacrifice is interrupted and will not be offered again until the Solemnity of the Resurrection, Easter Sunday.

GOOD FRIDAY – Liturgy of the Pre-Sanctified at 7pm

Good Friday used to called God’s Friday because it was the day Jesus was crucified. This is the most solemn day of the year, as we recall the sufferings and death of Jesus. We take this time to journey the ‘Stations of the Cross,’ Christ’s road to Calvary. The Bible says that when Jesus hung on the cross, the sky became dark from noon until 3:00 p.m.. During those hours, traditionally, the faithful may meditate on the sufferings of Our Lord on the cross and remember the words He spoke on the Cross…Take time to remember, read the Passion, read a psalm, meditate, say a prayer. We share now in sorrow, grief and pain.

HOLY SATURDAY – Blessing of Easter Foods and Baskets at 1pm

All are welcome—as always! Bring your eggs, cooked foods, uncooked foods, baskets or not, covered with a white linen cloth (or not)… Father Andrew will bless your Easter foods in a short, cheerful service.

Holy Saturday is liturgically a day of deepest mourning, a day which the Church spends at our Lord’s sepulchre, meditating on his sacred Passion and death. There is no mass and the altar is bare. As we end the Lenten penitential period in pious preparation for a festive Paschal season. We have the Blessing of our Easter Foods on Saturday, April 3rd at 1:00 p.m., a token of gratitude to God for all his gifts of both nature and grace. A reminder that the Lord is part of our daily life and is always among us! Please bring a family member or a friend; help make this old but significant tradition new again!

SOLEMNITY OF THE RESURRECTION, EASTER SUNDAY – Resurrection Procession and Holy Mass at 8:30am

EASTER BREAKFAST – following Holy Mass

Come, you are invited, family and friends of St. Francis Parish, to attend our traditional “Easter Celebration Breakfast” held in the Parish Hall, after Easter Sunday Mass. Come, let us REJOICE together!

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