Community Events

Passion Sunday

Blessing of Easter Baskets:

The blessing of the Easter food or the “Swieconka” is a tradition dear to the heart of every Pole. Being deeply religious, he is grateful to God for all His gifts of both nature and grace, and, as a token of this gratitude, has the food of his table sanctified with the hope that spring, the season of the Resurrection, will also be blessed by God’s goodness and mercy. The usual fare on the Easter table includes ham and kielbasa, cakes of all kinds – particularly babka; eggs — some shelled or some decorated. There is usually a Paschal Lamb or “Baranek” made of butter, some cheese, horseradish, salt, vinegar and oil.

The food is brought to the church and blessed by the parish priest on Holy Saturday. The food can also be blessed in the home. After the blessing the food is usually set aside until Easter morning when the head of the house shares the blessed egg, symbol of life, with family and friends. Having exchanged wishes, all continue to enjoy a hearty meal.

This centuries old customs is indeed richly symbolic and beautiful. It is one in which the whole family can participate and help prepare.

May this tradition endure for many generations to come. All of you can enjoy this beautiful Polish custom by participating at the blessing of the Easter food “Swieconka” at St. Francis Polish National Catholic Church. This is an excellent way to teach the younger members family about this treasured Polish tradition.

Holy Week schedule at St. Francis Church:

April 5 – Palm Sunday – 9 am Liturgy and distribution of Palms
April 9 – Holy Thursday – 7pm Holy Mass
April 10 – Good Friday – 7pm- Passion Service
April 11 – Holy Saturday – 1pm – Blessing of Easter food, blessing of new fire and holy water.
April 12 – Easter Sunday – 8.30 am – Procession of the Resurrection High Mass – 9am.

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The Lenten Season, Holy Week, and Easter at St. Francis Parish

  • February 25 – Ash Wednesday and the beginning of Great Lent – Holy Mass and Distribution of Ashes at 7pm.
  • Stations of the Cross every Sunday during the Lent after 9am Holy Mass.
  • March 08 – Solemnity of the Institution of the PNCC
  • March 15 – St. Patrick’s/St. Joseph’s Day Fundraiser Dinner at 3pm in the St. Francis Church Hall (downstairs) featuring: Home-made Irish, Italian, and Polish favorites! Plus lots of raffles and great company!
  • March 29 – Passion Sunday
  • April 5 – Palm Sunday – Blessing and distribution of Palms.
  • April 7 – Holy Tuesday – Clergy Conference and Chrism Holy Mass at St. Stanislaus Cathedral in Scranton, Pennsylvania.
  • April 9 – Holy Thursday: Institution of the Holy Eucharist and the Holy Priesthood — Holy Mass at 7pm. We commemorate the Last Supper where Jesus instituted the Holy Eucharist and the Holy Priesthood. At the conclusion of Holy Mass the Holy Eucharist is removed to the Altar of Repose, symbolizing Christ’s night in prison before His trial and crucifixion.
  • April 10 – Good Friday Liturgy of the Presanctified and the Opening of the Tomb at 7pm.
  • April 11 – Holy Saturday – Easter Basket Blessings at 1pm.
  • April 12 – Solemnity of the Resurrection – Easter Sunday – Holy Mass and procession at 8am.

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St. Patrick’s & St. Joseph’s Dinner – March 15th

Please join us on Sunday, March 15th at 3pm for a fundraiser dinner in honor of St. Patrick’s and St. Joseph’s days.

There will be plenty of traditional, homemade, Irish and Italian specialties like corn beef and cabbage, as well at Santa Guissepe’s pastries.

Reservations are required. Please call Carol at (516) 546-2535. Adults: $15, children under 12: $6.

St Patrick and St Joseph dinner at St. Francis parish

St. Patrick’s & St. Joseph’s Dinner – March 15th Read More »

The Christmas Season at St. Francis

Wednesday, December 24th, Christmas Eve – Vigil of the Nativity of our Lord -– Holy Mass at 9pm.
Thursday, December 25th, Christmas Day – Solemnity of the Nativity of our Lord -– Holy Mass at 9am.

Sunday, December 28th, Solemnity of Humble Shepherds – Holy Mass at 9am and the Blessing and Distribution of Wine in honor of the Feast of St. John, Apostle and Evangelist.

Sunday, January 4th, Solemnity of the Holy Family – Holy Mass at 9am.

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Christmas dinner and St. Nicholas visit — Sunday, December 7th

St. Francis Parish is sponsoring a Christmas dinner featuring a special visit from St. Nicholas on Sunday, December 7th at 3pm. All are welcome. Tickets are $15 for adults and $6 for children. St. Nicholas will be bringing gifts for your children. Please call Carol at 516-546-2535 by December 1st to make a reservation. A portion of the proceeds from this dinner will be used to assist a family that has been adopted by the parish. Please come and join us and thank you for your support and generosity.

Christmas dinner and St. Nicholas visit — Sunday, December 7th Read More »

Rote of the Dearly Departed

Today, and throughout the month of November we pray in a particular way for the repose of the souls of our dearly departed:

Carl Cafran
Arthur Cafran
Catherine Cafran
Josephine Cafran
Arcadio Justiniano
Angelica Justiniano
Isabel Matos
Joseph Safio
Ray and Dorothy Ryan
Jadwiga Lacz
Wojciech Lacz Senior
Wojciech Lacz Junior
Wanda Janicka
Wanda Witwicka
Antoni Kotkowicz
Howard Colleman
Inge Stojda
Katarzyna and Wojciech Kwiatek
Kunegunda and Marian Koterba
Rev. Marian Koterba
Franciszek and Jan Kwiatek
Sophie Szarek
Rosalia Sadowsky
Mary Kuzniewski
Joan Kuzniewski
Helen and Henry Mazeski
Daniel Pudjak
Rosemarie Caasola
John Kompa
Winifred Kompa
James Kompa
Clara Ribis
Angie Ribis
Helen Urbaniak
Carolyne Kut
Carmine Paul DiSomma
Mike Ruggiero
Maria Pennisi
Antonetta DiSomma
Rose & Teddy O’Rourke
Ralph Capuano & the deceased members of the Capuano Family
Elizabeth Blenn & the deceased members of the Blenn Family
Frank Ceraldi
The deceased members of the Sciortino Family
The deceased members of the Drozewski Family
The deceased members of the DiBaldi Family
The deceased members of the Monetta Family
The deceased members of the Muratore Family
The deceased members of the Calabrese Family
The deceased members of the Pisarski Family
The deceased members of the DeVivo Family
The deceased members of the DeLeon Family
Jimmy Martino
John Hunter
Liz Gamer
Peggy O’Masta
Rita Launer
Danny Cookston
Jonathan Bindman
Tony Campiglia
Michael Bevacqua
Bob Christopher
Anna Alfieri

Our Father &tc.
Hail Mary &tc.

Eternal rest grant onto them O Lord and may the perpetual light shine upon them.
May their souls and the souls of all the faithful departed rest in peace. Amen.

Wieczne odpoczynek racz mu dać Panie, a światłość wiekuista niechaj mu świeci.
Niech odpoczywa w pokoju, Amen.

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