June is Sacred Vocations Month

Each year during the month of June, the PNCC observes Sacred Vocations month. During this month, the Church reminds all of her faithful of the urgent need to pray for the gift of vocations to the Holy Orders. The Church asks all of us to offer special prayers to bless our Church with new vocations.

The purpose of this month of Sacred Vocations is to petition God, the Author of every vocation, to bless our Church with new priests and deacons who are blessed with strong faith, broad vision and solid academic background. PLEASE, PRAY FOR AN INCREASE VOCATIONS TO THE HOLY PRIESTHOOD of the Polish National Catholic Church.

Those interested should contact Fr. Andrew.

June is also the month when we are asked to remember those who labor in God’s field via our support for the Clergy Pension Fund. The letter below is from Bishop Anthony Kopka who is the Chairman of the Clergy Pension Fund of the PNCC.

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Holy Week at St. Francis, East Meadow, NY

PALM SUNDAY – Procession and Holy Mass at 9am

Palm Sunday marks the beginning of “Holy Week.” On this day we commemorate the last triumph of Our Lord Jesus Christ on earth. On this day we celebrate the triumphant entry of our Lord into Jerusalem; when the multitudes, going before and following after Him, cut off branches from the trees and strewed them in His way, shouting, “Hosanna, to the Son of David. Blessed is He that comes in the name of the Lord.” This Palm Sunday triumph of our Lord only led to His death. But we know that this death was not a failure. It was through His passion and death that He conquered the world and entered into His Kingdom. So the faithful join in this triumphant celebration in an act of homage and gratitude to Christ our King!

HOLY TUESDAY – Holy Mass of Chrism, St. Stanislaus Bishop & Martyr Cathedral in Scranton, PA

HOLY WEDNESDAY – fast and abstinence

PASCHAL TRIDUUM – all days of fast and abstinence

For Christians the Paschal Triduum (“Three Days”) is the focal point of the entire year. During these days, covering the period from the evening of Holy Thursday through the evening of Easter Sunday, we celebrate our faith in the paschal mystery of Christ with the greatest fervor and intensity. In the liturgy we commemorate the passion, death and resurrect ion of Christ as the means of our salvation. Through our baptism, we share in the death of Christ and so hope to share in his resurrection. The liturgy of the Paschal Triduum then invites us to reflect on where we are in our own Paschal journey in Christ.


The name Maundy comes from the Latin word which means ‘command.’ It refers to the new command Jesus gave his disciples on the Thursday before he was crucified. On that night, long ago, he served the “Last Supper” of bread and wine, washed his disciples’ feet and said, “A new command I give you; Love one another.” — John 13:34.

Church bells fall silent on this day and are not heard again until Easter morning. Instead of tinkling altar bells, wooden clappers are used during divine services. The altar will be stripped at the end of the service to symbolize Christ being stripped of his power. The holy sacrifice is interrupted and will not be offered again until the Solemnity of the Resurrection, Easter Sunday.

GOOD FRIDAY – Liturgy of the Pre-Sanctified at 7pm

Good Friday used to called God’s Friday because it was the day Jesus was crucified. This is the most solemn day of the year, as we recall the sufferings and death of Jesus. We take this time to journey the ‘Stations of the Cross,’ Christ’s road to Calvary. The Bible says that when Jesus hung on the cross, the sky became dark from noon until 3:00 p.m.. During those hours, traditionally, the faithful may meditate on the sufferings of Our Lord on the cross and remember the words He spoke on the Cross…Take time to remember, read the Passion, read a psalm, meditate, say a prayer. We share now in sorrow, grief and pain.

HOLY SATURDAY – Blessing of Easter Foods and Baskets at 1pm

All are welcome—as always! Bring your eggs, cooked foods, uncooked foods, baskets or not, covered with a white linen cloth (or not)… Father Andrew will bless your Easter foods in a short, cheerful service.

Holy Saturday is liturgically a day of deepest mourning, a day which the Church spends at our Lord’s sepulchre, meditating on his sacred Passion and death. There is no mass and the altar is bare. As we end the Lenten penitential period in pious preparation for a festive Paschal season. We have the Blessing of our Easter Foods on Saturday, April 3rd at 1:00 p.m., a token of gratitude to God for all his gifts of both nature and grace. A reminder that the Lord is part of our daily life and is always among us! Please bring a family member or a friend; help make this old but significant tradition new again!

SOLEMNITY OF THE RESURRECTION, EASTER SUNDAY – Resurrection Procession and Holy Mass at 8:30am

EASTER BREAKFAST – following Holy Mass

Come, you are invited, family and friends of St. Francis Parish, to attend our traditional “Easter Celebration Breakfast” held in the Parish Hall, after Easter Sunday Mass. Come, let us REJOICE together!

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Advance Schedule for Lent, Passiontide, and Holy Week

Sunday, March 14 — Solemnity of the Institution of the P.N.C.C., Holy Mass at 9am.
Sunday, March 21 — Passion Sunday (the beginning of Passiontide), Holy Mass at 9am.
Sunday, March 21 — St. Joseph and St. Patrick Dinner at 3pm.
Sunday, March 28 — Palm Sunday, Holy Mass and Liturgy and distribution of Palms at 9am.

The Sunday before Easter is known as Palm Sunday. It celebrates Jesus’ arrival in Jerusalem for the Jewish festival of Passover. Great crowds of people lined the streets waving palm branches to welcome him. The people were very excited. They spread branches on the road – and even laid down cloths. They shouted ‘Hosanna!’ which means ‘Save us now!’

Thursday, April 1 — Maundy Thursday, Holy Mass at 7pm.
Friday, April 2 — Good Friday Liturgy at 7pm.
Saturday, April 3 — Holy Saturday Liturgy including blessing of Easter food, blessing of new fire and holy water at 1pm.

The blessing of the Easter food or the “ÅšwiÄ™conka” is a tradition dear to the heart of every Pole. Being deeply religious, he is grateful to God for all His gifts of both nature and grace, and, as a token of this gratitude, has the food of his table sanctified with the hope that spring, the season of the Resurrection, will also be blessed by God’s goodness and mercy. The usual fare on the Easter table includes ham and kielbasa, cakes of all kinds – particularly babka; eggs- some shelled or some decorated. There is usually a Paschal Lamb or “Baranek” made of butter, some cheese, horseradish, salt, vinegar and oil.

The food is brought to the church and blessed by the parish priest on Holy Saturday. The food can also be blessed in the home. After the blessing the food is usually set aside until Easter morning when the head of the house shares the blessed egg, symbol of life, with family and friends. Having exchanged wishes, all continue to enjoy a hearty meal.

This centuries old custom is indeed richly symbolic and beautiful. It is one in which the whole family can participate and help prepare.

May this tradition endure for many generations to come. All of you can enjoy this beautiful Polish custom by participating at the blessing of the Easter food “Swieconka” at St. Francis Polish National Catholic Church. This is an excellent way to teach the younger members family about this treasured Polish tradition — a tradition you can make your own.

Sunday, April 4 –- Solemnity of the Resurrection (Easter Sunday), Procession of the Resurrection and High Holy Mass at 8.30am.

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Lent at St. Francis Parish

Ash Wednesday, February 17 – Holy Mass and distribution of ashes at 7pm

Ash Wednesday is the first day of the penitential season of Lent, in which ashes are placed on the head or forehead of the faithful.

Ash Wednesday is unknown in the Eastern Church, and developed only in the West. Orthodox Churches begin Lent on a Monday, known as “Clean Monday.” Ash Wednesday as an official fast day dates to at least the 8th century, since it appears in the Gregorian Sacramentary from that period. Originally, Lent began on a Sunday. However, in order to bring the number of days of Lent to 40 (the days Jesus fasted in the wilderness), the beginning of Lent was eventually transferred to a Wednesday.

Originally, Ash Wednesday was the day when public penitents in Rome began their penance. Recall that in the early Church, penance was often public and protracted. It was only later that private confession and penance began, for pastoral reasons. When public penance gradually fell into disuse by the 8th century, Ash Wednesday became a day of penitence and fasting for all members of the Church. Today, Ash Wednesday is a universal Fast day in the Catholic Church. Many Western Protestant churches also observe Ash Wednesday, including Anglicans, Lutherans, Presbyterians, and United Methodists.

Stations of the Cross – every Sunday during Lent after Holy Mass

Stations of the Cross (Way of the Cross, Via Crucis, Via Dolorosa, Way of Sorrows) refers to the illustration of the final hours (or Passion) of Jesus, and the devotion commemorating the Passion.

The tradition as a chapel devotion began with St. Francis of Assisi and extended throughout the Catholic Church in the medieval period. It is less often observed in the Anglican and Lutheran churches. It may be done at any time, but is most commonly done during the Season of Lent, especially on Good Friday and on Friday evenings during Lent.

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Our Prime Bishop’s Christmas Letter – December 2009

To my dear brother Bishops, Priests, Deacons, and Faithful of the Polish National Catholic Church:

My dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

As Prime Bishop it is my privilege and distinct pleasure to extend greetings and best wishes to the entire Polish National Catholic Church. All of us are now making preparations to celebrate the Nativity of Christ, Christmas. We will again be reminded of the birth of the Christ Child as recorded in Luke 2:11: ” … to you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, Who is the Messiah, the Lord.” We will send and receive Christmas cards, sing the beautiful Christmas carols, and read and listen to the Holy Scriptures that proclaim the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ in Bethlehem–that event that changed the whole course of history and even today changes the lives of those who accept Him as their Lord and Savior.

Each year we are reminded that Christmas is that Solemnity that brings us hope, joy, love and peace in Christ Jesus. We know that “… God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him may not perish but may have eternal life.”- John 3:16. So all of our celebrations should focus on the fact that Jesus Christ, the Messiah, came into the world as the Child in Bethlehem to save us from our sins and to unite us with our Heavenly Father. Hopefully, we will be strengthened in our understanding of this fundamental truth through the Christmas carols that we sing, as well as with the customs and traditions we uphold during the Christmas season.

Therefore, let us make sure that we include Jesus Christ in all of our preparations and in all of our celebrations, for His coming to this earth is the only reason why we celebrate Christmas. Also, let us make sure to prepare a place for Jesus in our hearts! Our Holy Church calls for us to rejoice because Jesus, the Promised One, the Messiah, has come. Let us reflect upon the true meaning of Christmas with every Christmas carol we sing, every Christmas card we send, every Christmas gift we give and every good deed that we do during this holy season. May each of our actions bring that heavenly joy not only to us, but to others as well. May our words and good deeds be a living testimony of our love, honor and respect for the Christ Child of Bethlehem.

When we gather together with family and friends and break the Christmas wafer at the vigil supper or on Christmas Day, let us remember Jesus. When we go to church on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day let us welcome the Christ Child into our hearts, remembering how the shepherds hurried to Bethlehem to see and welcome the Christ Child wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in a manger. Let us give Him praise and honor as we worship Him during the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and receive Him in the Holy Eucharist. Just as the three Magi came to adore our Blessed Lord and to present their gifts to Him, let us adore Him in the Most Blessed Sacrament and offer Him our gifts–our love, our hearts, our talents, our all.

May this Christmas will be one filled with the blessings of the Christ Child for you and your families. May all of us continue to show our love, dedication, service, sacrifice and devotion to Christ through our Polish National Catholic Church. Let us also remember to give thanks to God for the abundant blessings we have received during 2009 and for all of the good that has been accomplished through our Holy Church during this year. May the hope, love, peace and joy of Christ be yours at Christmas and throughout the New Year 2010.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Wesołych Świat Bożego Narodzenia i Szczęśliwego Nowego Roku! Feliz Navidad y Próspero Año Nuevo! Linksmų Šv. Kalėdų, laimingų Naujųjų metų! Vesele Vianoce i na zdravie v novom roku! Veselé Vánoce a šťastný nový rok! Buon Natale e felice Anno Nuovo!

Sincerely yours in Christ,

Most Rev. Robert M. Nemkovich Prime Bishop

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All Saints Day and All Souls Day service at the Polish Cemetery in Commack, Long Island, NY

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

All Saints Day is an ancient holiday celebrated by members of the Catholic Church to commemorate the saints. Also, the day after All Saints Day, All Souls Day, is set aside so that we might pray for the souls who have yet to find their way to Heaven. These two holidays are of great importance to the faithful; moreover to Poles. In Poland many people visit the graves of loved ones on these days so to pray for their repose and to place candles and flowers on their graves. The special candles, which can burn for many hours, are placed there so that departed souls can find their way through the darkness. Cemeteries are lit by many hundreds of these candles and at night the cemeteries can often be seen glowing from long distances.

Considering this rich and meaningful Polish tradition, as well as our obligation to pray for the faithful departed, you are cordially invited to come and join us in our celebrating of All Saints Day at the Polish Cemetery located at 99 Old Commack Road, Commack, NY 11725, Long Island on Sunday, November 1st, 2009 at 12 noon.

Keeping all of you in our prayers

Holy Cross Parish – Very Rev. WiesÅ‚aw Pietruszka
Commack, NY; # (631) 543-1674

Saint Francis Parish – Rev. Andrzej Koterba
East Meadow, NY; # (516) 794-5189

Parish of Resurrection – Rev. Jozef Kolek
Brooklyn, NY; # (718) 389-3674

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DzieÅ„ Wszystkich ÅšwiÄ™tych – Polski Cmentarz w Commack, Long Island, NY

Drodzy braci i siostry w Chrystusie,

Data pierwszego listopada jest bardzo znacząca w życiu każdego katolika i Polaka. Jako wierni jesteśmy zachęceni, aby w tym dniu dziękować Bogu za niezliczone rzesze wiernych zmarłych, którzy poprzez swoje życie oddane Kościołowi i Bogu osiągnęli pełnię świętości. Jednocześnie Dzień Wszystkich Świętych i Dzień Zaduszny jest dla nas okazją, aby poprzez wspólną modlitwę, czytane wspominki, nawiedzenie cmentarza oraz ofiarę Mszy Świętej śpieszyć z pomocą tym zmarłym, którzy jeszcze nie osiągnęli chwały nieba.

W zwiÄ…zku z powyższym pragnÄ™ serdecznie zaprosić każdego z Was, wasze rodziny oraz znajomych na uroczystÄ… MszÄ™ ÅšwiÄ™tÄ… w niedziele 1 Listopada na godz. 1200 oraz procesjÄ™ po naszym polskim cmentarzu – 9 Old Commack Road, Commack, NY 11725, Long Island.

Szczęść Boże

Parafia Pw. ÅšwiÄ™tego Krzyża – ks. praÅ‚at WiesÅ‚aw Pietruszka
Commack, NY; # (631) 543-1674

Parafia pw. św. Franciszka – ks. Andrzej Koterba
East Meadow, NY; # (516) 794-5189

Parafia pw. Zmartwychwstania Pańskiego – ks. Józef Kołek
Brooklyn, NY; # (718) 389-3674

DzieÅ„ Wszystkich ÅšwiÄ™tych – Polski Cmentarz w Commack, Long Island, NY Read More »

Spojnia Sunday

Spojnia PNU LogoIn conjunction with the continued celebration of the Polish National Union of America’s 100th anniversary and the marking of the 35th anniversary of the Spojnia Credit Union, this year’s annual “Spojnia Sunday” will be observed in a unique way.

For the first time ever it is the hope of the PNU that (today) on Sunday September 27, 2009 every parish of the Polish National Catholic Church will be simultaneously celebrating this special day with the same event schedule and program. A DVD about the history of the PNU and literature on both organizations has been provided to our parish so that information about the PNU and SCU may be cohesively presented to you, our parishioners.

This is a very exciting time for our sister organizations as they mark milestones in their long history. And it’s an even more exciting time for new and potential members. Both organizations have made a commitment to better communication with its members regarding their services, products, and programs.

For those of us who may not know, the PNU was founded by Prime Bishop Hodur as a sister organization to the PNCC. It is a fraternal insurance organization whose mission is to care for its members from birth to death with various insurance products, services and benefits. For 100 years the PNU has followed and met many of the goals set by Bishop Hodur, and it has always worked in conjunction with the PNCC and its mission. Not only has the PNU provided service to its members but also to the priests and parishes themselves for all these years.

As the PNU grew, it continued to look for different ways to serve its members. It established a home for the aged which is now the Manor at Waymart; it provides cultural and educational services through the Education and Youth Commission; and 35 years ago it established a credit union to serve the financial needs of its members.

Today the Spojnia Credit Union continues to be a prime benefit of PNU membership. The SCU offers savings and checking accounts, as well as personal, auto and home equity loans to its members. Additional services are offered on-line as a part of the home banking system technology. All of these services and benefits again keep the mission of our church at the forefront: to care for one another.

Earlier I mentioned that the PNU and SCU are our sister organizations, implying a sense that we are part of a family. And we are. As a family we inherently take on the task of caring for each other. A family has many needs and the church, the PNU and the SCU work together to provide a network of support for each other. The church takes care of our spiritual needs while the PNU and SCU take care of our material needs. Both are essential for a strong and healthy family. Family members by their nature want to help each other; if given the chance to do just that, family members become your strongest allies in times of trial and triumph. Today, give the PNU and SCU the opportunity to be good family members to you, too; give them the chance to be there for you.

As many of you know our national church has designated the last Sunday in September, Spojnia Sunday, to be the day that we reflect on the good that our sister organizations do for us all. It was so important to Bp. Hodur that this day be included in our church calendar, that I ask that you give it the same importance. Please take a moment today to meet one of our PNU secretaries, and to listen and watch the presentation. This day was coordinated with you in mind, just as the PNU was founded over 100 years ago by Bp. Hodur: it was made for our benefit so we could depend upon it and feel secure about our future. The future good work of both the PNU and SCU now depends on you.

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