Reflection for the Third Sunday of Easter – 2012

My brothers and sisters in Christ, today, all three readings from the Holy Scriptures echo that Jesus suffered for the forgiveness of sins.

During the First Reading, we heard the words, “God fulfilled what he had foretold through all the prophets, that his Messiah would suffer. Repent therefore, and turn to God so that your sins may be wiped out.

During the Second Reading, we heard, “He is the atoning sacrifice for our sins, and not for ours only but also for the sins of the whole world.

Today`s Gospel tells us:

“Thus it is written, that the Messiah is to suffer and to rise from the dead on the third day, and that repentance and forgiveness of sins is to be proclaimed in his name to all nations, beginning from Jerusalem.”

My dear brothers and sisters, today Holy Scripture and the Church tell us that Jesus came to this world to suffer and through His suffering destroyed death, sins and evil. He came to suffer and forgive our sins and sins of the whole world. He came to give salvation and open the gate of heaven for all people in the past and in the future.

My friends today`s world is not different from of our ancestors. It is not easy for us to admit that we are sinners and that there is sin in the world. Today people speak of mistakes, of faults, of misunderstandings – but sin is a reality that is still unpopular, even though we are all sinners. It is not easy change people and to tell them that they are in sin and need to repent. But, the Church proclaims that Jesus and the Holy Spirit can change us and people around us. With God’s grace true repentance is possible.

My sisters and brothers, today we are invited to look into our hearts and to know that we need salvation. We are invited to recognize that we are sinners and we need repentance. We are invited to accept that Jesus came to die for us and for our sins and that in Him we are redeemed. We are invited to proclaim repentance and the forgiveness of sins throughout the whole world. We are invited to follow Jesus Christ in every aspect of our lives.

This is not an easy road! This calling can only be achieved by the grace of God the Father and the power of the Holy Spirit in the Most Holy Name of Jesus. As we continue with the celebration of the Holy Mass, let us keep in mind that Jesus suffered in our place for the forgiveness of our sins. That is an incredible message of hope and love.

Let us rejoice because Christ is risen!

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Message for Easter Season 2012

Christ is Risen!
He is Risen indeed!

As you know our country and the entire world lives in a very difficult times when moral values and human life itself is in a danger. Economic and financial crisis is very serious. People are concerned and afraid about future, what is going to happen next day.

My friends, God is stronger than any difficulties and any evil forces.

On first Good Friday, many believed that everything has ended with the crucifixion of Jesus. They lost faith and hope, but only for few days. On Sunday morning the women returned from the tomb and told the Apostles that Jesus had risen, as He had promised. They told them and the whole world that Jesus is alive and He conquered death.

As we approach joyous Easter let us not forget how important and significant is Lent as a preparation for the Feast of Resurrection. Lent and Easter is a good opportunity for renewal of our faith, for deepening unity with our Savior, and also for deepening our love for God and people.

Easter Season reminds us that Jesus has redeemed all people. The message of Easter is that we too will experience a resurrection and live in eternal happiness with God. This is the truth and mystery which may be difficult to comprehend, but we know that it happened, because we have the testimony of the witnesses, the Apostles.

On Easter Sunday let us rejoice with the Risen Lord. Jesus is our Lord, our truth and our hope in the time of happiness and difficulties.

Best wishes for a Blessed, Holy and Joyous Easter Season.

Fr. Andrew Koterba

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Celebrate Holy Week and Easter with St. Francis Parish

All are welcome—as always!

  • Sunday, April 1st at 9 am – Palm Sunday Procession & Mass
  • Thursday, April 5th at 7 pm – Holy Thursday Mass
  • Friday, April 6th at 7 pm – Good Friday Liturgy
  • Saturday, April 7th at 1 pm – Blessing of Easter Baskets. Bring your eggs, cooked foods, uncooked foods, baskets or not, covered with a white linen cloth (or not)… Father Andrew will bless your Easter foods in a short, cheerful service.
  • Sunday, April 8th at 9 am – Easter Resurrection Mass

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St. Patrick’s and St. Joseph’s Fund-raiser Dinner

St. Francis Parish cordially invites you to a St. Patrick’s and St. Joseph’s Fund-raiser Dinner. That means …plenty o’ Irish, Italian & Polish specialties like corn beef & cabbage, baked ziti, pierogies & St. Giuseppe’s pastries! There will also be raffles and a 50-50. The dinner will be held on Sunday, March 11th at 3pm. Adults: $15, Kids under 12: $6. Reservations required. Please call Carol at (516) 546-2535.

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Eddie Money seminar on February 15th

Calling All Eddie Money Fans! John Blenn is hosting a mini meet & greet at St. Francis Parish. Eddie Money, rock star (“Two Tickets to Paradise” & “Take Me Home Tonight”) will host a seminar on his life from Island Trees, Levittown to international rock star right here in St. Francis Hall on Wednesday, February 15th at 7:30 p.m. Eddie’s chat will conclude with an open question and answer. There is no charge but we’d love a $5 donation toward St. Francis’ new Hall ceiling & renovations. Seating is limited, so please call Joni at 783-8863 for your reservation.

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Reflection for 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time – 2012

Welcome everybody to our Church. Today we celebrate 6th Sunday Ordinary Time. Today’s readings from the Holy Scriptures tell us how the history of salvation was changing.

During today’s First Reading from the Book of Leviticus, we heard of society’s treatment towards those who suffered temporary skin disorders. According to the Mosaic Law they were isolated from the community. They were expected to move outside the community, wear torn clothes, leave their hair disarranged, cover their lip and cry out, “Unclean, unclean!” This would last as long as the person was afflicted with the skin disease. They were treated as a second category of people.

In the New Testament there is different Law. Jesus brought new law. In the Gospel of Mark we see Jesus who heals the leper who was excluded from society under the Mosaic Law. Jesus gave to this man new life, new opportunity and new goal in his life. Jesus as we know came to the world to save the people, to save the lost sheep, not those who were already saved. He opens His arms to all, drawing them to His Sacred Heart that radiates with infinite healing love.

The cured leper was excited. He had found the truth, the way and the life in Jesus. He went forward and shared it with others for the glory of God the Father.

My dear brothers and sisters, there is a lesson to be learned here for all of us.

Jesus many times in our life is helping us. He give us strength, grace, power to live according to God’s commandments. He cures our deceases like He did for the leper. He takes care for us in every aspect of our life. Our work is to respond to Jesus.

Our spiritual work is to proclaim the good News to others, like a leper from the Gospel did. We must tell the people that Jesus can help them in their problems. They have to only ask Jesus for help. They have to pray. The best place and time is in church and during Holy Mass.

My brothers and sisters that is today’s message from God to you! May His Words enrich your spiritual growth in Christ!

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