Dear Friend of St. Francis PNCC,
St. Francis Polish National Catholic Church opened its doors in 1932 and has welcomed everyone with open arms for these past 81 years. Our members are of all nationalities…not just Polish. Sunday Mass is at 9:00 a.m., should you wish to celebrate the Eucharist with us.
At the moment though, St Francis Parish is in dire straits. Our steeple needs major repair. So far our estimates are in the vicinity of $11,000. The steeple must be supported from the inside and the flashing around the steeple on the roof, must be replaced. This is a monumental under-taking that only a licensed commercial roofer or contractor can handle. As many of you know a few years ago, we renovated the interior of the church. Already the ceiling of the choir loft is sagging and peeling from the elements coming in through the cracks.
All of our members are very hard working and dedicated Christians. The Church and all it stands for are extremely important to us. While each of us dedicates as much time and effort as possible, due to family and personal matters, we are not able to do everything. Every member does their best to help upkeep the Church, and each parishioner is as generous as they can be with monetary donations.
We hold fund-raiser dinners at least twice a year (St. Patrick’s/St. Joseph’s and Christmas). Recently, as a fund-raiser, a theatrical comedy troupe performed in the Church Hall basement (which is unfortunately not handicap accessible; but that’s a fund-raiser for a different decade!). The Hall space, which has been totally and beautifully renovated, is available to rent for all occasions. The monies generated from hall rentals and fund-raisers help to pay the utilities and keep the Church doors open.
We have always, through the years, done our best to maintain “our†Church without asking for outside help, but at this time, we humbly ask “Friends of St. Francis PNCC†to please donate what you can towards our “Steeple Repair Fund.†Tax-deductible checks can be made payable to St. Francis PNCC. From the bottom of our hearts, we thank you for any offerings you are able to make.
God bless you and yours, Sincerely,
Father Andrew Koterba Pastor