Community Events

Holy Week at St. Francis, East Meadow, NY

PALM SUNDAY – Procession and Holy Mass at 9am

Palm Sunday marks the beginning of “Holy Week.” On this day we commemorate the last triumph of Our Lord Jesus Christ on earth. On this day we celebrate the triumphant entry of our Lord into Jerusalem; when the multitudes, going before and following after Him, cut off branches from the trees and strewed them in His way, shouting, “Hosanna, to the Son of David. Blessed is He that comes in the name of the Lord.” This Palm Sunday triumph of our Lord only led to His death. But we know that this death was not a failure. It was through His passion and death that He conquered the world and entered into His Kingdom. So the faithful join in this triumphant celebration in an act of homage and gratitude to Christ our King!

HOLY TUESDAY – Holy Mass of Chrism, St. Stanislaus Bishop & Martyr Cathedral in Scranton, PA

HOLY WEDNESDAY – fast and abstinence

PASCHAL TRIDUUM – all days of fast and abstinence

For Christians the Paschal Triduum (“Three Days”) is the focal point of the entire year. During these days, covering the period from the evening of Holy Thursday through the evening of Easter Sunday, we celebrate our faith in the paschal mystery of Christ with the greatest fervor and intensity. In the liturgy we commemorate the passion, death and resurrect ion of Christ as the means of our salvation. Through our baptism, we share in the death of Christ and so hope to share in his resurrection. The liturgy of the Paschal Triduum then invites us to reflect on where we are in our own Paschal journey in Christ.


The name Maundy comes from the Latin word which means ‘command.’ It refers to the new command Jesus gave his disciples on the Thursday before he was crucified. On that night, long ago, he served the “Last Supper” of bread and wine, washed his disciples’ feet and said, “A new command I give you; Love one another.” — John 13:34.

Church bells fall silent on this day and are not heard again until Easter morning. Instead of tinkling altar bells, wooden clappers are used during divine services. The altar will be stripped at the end of the service to symbolize Christ being stripped of his power. The holy sacrifice is interrupted and will not be offered again until the Solemnity of the Resurrection, Easter Sunday.

GOOD FRIDAY – Liturgy of the Pre-Sanctified at 7pm

Good Friday used to called God’s Friday because it was the day Jesus was crucified. This is the most solemn day of the year, as we recall the sufferings and death of Jesus. We take this time to journey the ‘Stations of the Cross,’ Christ’s road to Calvary. The Bible says that when Jesus hung on the cross, the sky became dark from noon until 3:00 p.m.. During those hours, traditionally, the faithful may meditate on the sufferings of Our Lord on the cross and remember the words He spoke on the Cross…Take time to remember, read the Passion, read a psalm, meditate, say a prayer. We share now in sorrow, grief and pain.

HOLY SATURDAY – Blessing of Easter Foods and Baskets at 1pm

All are welcome—as always! Bring your eggs, cooked foods, uncooked foods, baskets or not, covered with a white linen cloth (or not)… Father Andrew will bless your Easter foods in a short, cheerful service.

Holy Saturday is liturgically a day of deepest mourning, a day which the Church spends at our Lord’s sepulchre, meditating on his sacred Passion and death. There is no mass and the altar is bare. As we end the Lenten penitential period in pious preparation for a festive Paschal season. We have the Blessing of our Easter Foods on Saturday, April 3rd at 1:00 p.m., a token of gratitude to God for all his gifts of both nature and grace. A reminder that the Lord is part of our daily life and is always among us! Please bring a family member or a friend; help make this old but significant tradition new again!

SOLEMNITY OF THE RESURRECTION, EASTER SUNDAY – Resurrection Procession and Holy Mass at 8:30am

EASTER BREAKFAST – following Holy Mass

Come, you are invited, family and friends of St. Francis Parish, to attend our traditional “Easter Celebration Breakfast” held in the Parish Hall, after Easter Sunday Mass. Come, let us REJOICE together!

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200th Birthday of Fryderyk Chopin at the Polish-American Museum in Port Washington, NY

A series of Piano Lecture Recitals celebrating the 200th birthday of Polish composer and virtuoso pianist Fryderyk Chopin will be held during the month of March 2010 at the Polish American Museum.

The Piano Lecture Recitals will focus on Chopin’s Life as a poet, composer and pianist. Although he composed only for the piano, he exercised a great influence on all types of music. Despite, the often strong pronounced Polish national characteristics of the music; it is also expressive of his own emotions, sufferings and thereby achieves the characteristics of a true masterpiece.

In addition to the Lecture Recitals there will be a Chopin photo exhibit, as well as other memorabilia including a wood carved bust, music compositions, commemorative medals and replica of his hand and death mask.

Guest artists for this series of Lecture Recitals will include classical pianists, Matthew Harrison. Vlada Yaneva and Jonathan Levin from Manhattan School of Music.

The first in this series will be held on Saturday, March 6th at 2PM. The remaining lecture recitals during the month will be scheduled for Friday March 12, 19, and 26 evenings at 7 in the main salon of the museum.

The Polish American Museum is located at 16 Belleview Avenue, Port Washington, Tickets are priced at $15 for adults and $ 10 for students.

Additional information available by calling 516-883-6542

200th Birthday of Fryderyk Chopin at the Polish-American Museum in Port Washington, NY Read More »

Annual St. Patrick’s and St. Joseph’s Dinner

St. Francis Church cordially invites you to its annual St. Patrick’s and St. Joseph’s Fundraiser Dinner. That means …plenty o’ Irish, Italian & Polish specialties, like corn beef & cabbage, baked ziti, perogies & St. Giuseppe’s pastries!

The dinner will take place on Sunday, March 21, 2010 at 3:00 pm.
Tickets: Adults: $15 00, Kids under 12: $6 00

Reservations required. Please call Carol at (516) 546-2535

Dinner at St. Francis PNC Parish, 1752 Harton Ave., East Meadow, NY

Annual St. Patrick’s and St. Joseph’s Dinner Read More »

Christmas Dinner and visit from St. Nicholas, December 6th

Please join us on Sunday, December 6, 2009 at 3:00 p.m. for delicious traditional holiday dishes and tons of fun! There will be lots of raffle prizes, caroling… and St. Nicholas will be there for the kids!

Please R.S.V.P by December 1 to Carol Thomas at (516) 546-2535

Seating is limited to 80. So, when you call for reservations, please leave your name, phone number and the number of adults and/or children (children’s ages & gender so St. Nick can bring an appropriate gift) in your party.

$15 Adults • $6 Children
St. Francis Church Hall
1752 Harton Avenue (just off East Meadow Avenue near the Post Office)
East Meadow NY


Christmas Dinner and visit from St. Nicholas, December 6th Read More »

All Saints Day and All Souls Day service at the Polish Cemetery in Commack, Long Island, NY

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

All Saints Day is an ancient holiday celebrated by members of the Catholic Church to commemorate the saints. Also, the day after All Saints Day, All Souls Day, is set aside so that we might pray for the souls who have yet to find their way to Heaven. These two holidays are of great importance to the faithful; moreover to Poles. In Poland many people visit the graves of loved ones on these days so to pray for their repose and to place candles and flowers on their graves. The special candles, which can burn for many hours, are placed there so that departed souls can find their way through the darkness. Cemeteries are lit by many hundreds of these candles and at night the cemeteries can often be seen glowing from long distances.

Considering this rich and meaningful Polish tradition, as well as our obligation to pray for the faithful departed, you are cordially invited to come and join us in our celebrating of All Saints Day at the Polish Cemetery located at 99 Old Commack Road, Commack, NY 11725, Long Island on Sunday, November 1st, 2009 at 12 noon.

Keeping all of you in our prayers

Holy Cross Parish – Very Rev. WiesÅ‚aw Pietruszka
Commack, NY; # (631) 543-1674

Saint Francis Parish – Rev. Andrzej Koterba
East Meadow, NY; # (516) 794-5189

Parish of Resurrection – Rev. Jozef Kolek
Brooklyn, NY; # (718) 389-3674

All Saints Day and All Souls Day service at the Polish Cemetery in Commack, Long Island, NY Read More »

DzieÅ„ Wszystkich ÅšwiÄ™tych – Polski Cmentarz w Commack, Long Island, NY

Drodzy braci i siostry w Chrystusie,

Data pierwszego listopada jest bardzo znacząca w życiu każdego katolika i Polaka. Jako wierni jesteśmy zachęceni, aby w tym dniu dziękować Bogu za niezliczone rzesze wiernych zmarłych, którzy poprzez swoje życie oddane Kościołowi i Bogu osiągnęli pełnię świętości. Jednocześnie Dzień Wszystkich Świętych i Dzień Zaduszny jest dla nas okazją, aby poprzez wspólną modlitwę, czytane wspominki, nawiedzenie cmentarza oraz ofiarę Mszy Świętej śpieszyć z pomocą tym zmarłym, którzy jeszcze nie osiągnęli chwały nieba.

W zwiÄ…zku z powyższym pragnÄ™ serdecznie zaprosić każdego z Was, wasze rodziny oraz znajomych na uroczystÄ… MszÄ™ ÅšwiÄ™tÄ… w niedziele 1 Listopada na godz. 1200 oraz procesjÄ™ po naszym polskim cmentarzu – 9 Old Commack Road, Commack, NY 11725, Long Island.

Szczęść Boże

Parafia Pw. ÅšwiÄ™tego Krzyża – ks. praÅ‚at WiesÅ‚aw Pietruszka
Commack, NY; # (631) 543-1674

Parafia pw. św. Franciszka – ks. Andrzej Koterba
East Meadow, NY; # (516) 794-5189

Parafia pw. Zmartwychwstania Pańskiego – ks. Józef Kołek
Brooklyn, NY; # (718) 389-3674

DzieÅ„ Wszystkich ÅšwiÄ™tych – Polski Cmentarz w Commack, Long Island, NY Read More »

Fall Dinner, October 4th

Join us for our Fall Fundraiser Dinner on Sunday, October 4th at 3pm. Enjoy a great home cooked meal and help St. Francis maintain its 77 year presence in the East Meadow community. Exciting things are happening at St. Francis and you can be a part of it.

Reservations are required for this event. Tickets are $15 for adults and $6 for children under 12 years of age. There will be raffles and great prizes too. R.S.V.P. to Carol at 516-546-2535. Please be prepared to leave your name, phone number, and the number of adults/children in your party.


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