
Holy Church and Bishop Hodur in Kuryer Polski

Read the article “Forgotten Patriot: Prime Bishop Franciszek Hodur” by Rev. Dr. Stan Jasiurkowski which appeared in the 16 February 2023 issue of Kuryer Polski. The entire article can be found here at Kuryer.

Bishop Franciszek (Francis) Hodur is well known among the members of the Polish National Catholic Church as its organizer, visionary, patriot, and charismatic leader. He has dedicated his time and effort to preserving the catholic faith and Polish heritage among immigrants in the United States and Canada. Bishop Hodur had a unique gift of not only practicing his faith, but also inspiring others to love God, and to love our neighbors, especially those poorest in our society, and build the Kingdom of God without forgetting about our earthly fatherland – Poland. This amazing spiritual leader and patriot seems to be forgotten by the current Polonia. Therefore, it is just right and appropriate to remind us of this exceptional individual and spiritual leader, who has changed the course of our Polish-American history, on the 70th anniversary of his passing…

“Forgotten Patriot: Prime Bishop Franciszek Hodur” by Rev. Dr. Stan Jasiurkowski, 16 February 2023, Kuryer Polski.

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